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Kashia Acevedo

Dermodality’s Accounts Manager and educator Kashia Acevedo

Meet Kashia Acevedo, the dynamic Accounts Manager and educator at Dermodality. With nearly a decade of experience as a licensed esthetician and a recently acquired license as an esthetics instructor, Kashia embodies a deep passion for the beauty industry. Her love for every facet of this field is surpassed only by her enthusiasm for educating fellow professionals about the transformative power of the Dermodality brand.

Kashia’s dedication extends beyond her role; she is committed to imparting the values and capabilities of Dermodality to eager learners. She eagerly anticipates the exciting journey ahead with this phenomenal company, eager to extend her expertise to as many professionals and partners as possible.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Kashia cherishes every moment spent with her long-time boyfriend and their two beautiful children.