If you are a licensed professional you can register for a Dermodality pro-account by clicking here. If you’re not a licensed professional you can look up an esthetician near you by clicking here.
Yes!! All you need to do is click the magnifying glass at the top right of our website and type “specials” into the search bar. We have a number of different kits available and also offer special buy-in kits for students that attend our different classes.
Where are the peel protocols?
You can find all of our peel protocols in our manual by clicking here! For your convenience we created a separate pdf dedicated to Pumpkin Peel and Level 1 Protocols. You can find it here!
What is pre-conditioning and how do we do it?
Preconditioning is the process of building the skin's tolerance while stimulating growth factors. We precondition with our home care as well as base 1 peels. This process is CRITICAL before performing base 2 and 3 peels.